Census Business Builder (CBB)
The Census Business Builder (CBB) is a suite of services that provide selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau tailored to specific types of users in a simple to access and use format.
The Census Business Builder (CBB) is a suite of services that provide selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau tailored to specific types of users in a simple to access and use format.
Each year the World Economic Forum produces a “Future of Jobs Report”, a comprehensive look at findings, interpretations, and conclusions on current and trending economic data. Although this report looks at jobs from a global perspective, much of the content applies to the Rogue Valley region.
The first 60 pages include:
Drivers of labor market transformation
Jobs outlook
Skills outlook
Workforce Strategies
The other 230 pages include appendices and “profiles” (economic, industry, region, and skills).
OSHA provides a secure website that offers three options for injury and illness data submissions. You can manually enter your data, upload a CSV file to add multiple establishments at the same time, or transmit data electronically via an API (application programming interface).
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